Dr. Tufan Tiglioglu received his M.A. and Ph.D. from Texas Tech University in 1998 and 2001. He received a B.S. in Electronics and Communications Engineering from Istanbul Technical University in Turkey in 1986.Prior to teaching at Alvernia, he was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Texas Tech University, where he taught various courses in Economics. In addition, he was a research assistant at the nationally known Wind Science and Engineering Research Center. His research on catastrophic wind events was funded by the Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). During his tenure at Alvernia, Dr. Tiglioglu served as Assistant Professor of Economics and Associate Professor of Finance and International Business. He was the Sam Walton Fellow (Faculty Advisor) for Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) and served as the President of the Pennsylvania Economic Association (PEA). He also served as the Director of the MBA Program, Chair of the Department of Leadership Studies, and Director of the Ph.D. & M.A. in Leadership Programs at Alvernia. He is currently serving as the Chair of the Department of Business.
Ph.D. in Economics: Texas Tech University, December 2001
M.A. in Economics: Texas Tech University, December 1998
B.S. in Electronics and Communications Engineering: Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, 1986
PHD 860 Dissertation Proposal Seminar
PHD 853 Advanced Quantitative Research: Design & Analysis
PHD 821 Organizational Policy & Finance
PHD 815 Economic Development of Organizations
PHD 704 Quantitative Research: Design & Analysis
PHD 701 Advance Research Colloquium
MBA 630 Health Care Management Finance
MBA 630 Management Finance
MBA 620 Health Care Managerial Economics
MBA 620 Managerial Economics
MBA 600 Quantitative Methods
MBA 635 Public Relations
MBA 530 Corporate Finance
MBA 506 Economics & Finance
MBA 680 Executive Leadership Seminar
MBA 631 Health Care Management Finance
MBA 630 Management Finance
MBA 620 Managerial Economics
MBA 600 Quantitative Methods
MBA 506 Economics & Finance
BUS 411 Corporate Finance with Excel
BUS 410 Financial Analysis
BUS 332 Operations Management
BUS 312 International Business I
BUS 249 Microeconomics
BUS 248 Macroeconomics
BUS 290 Ethical Decision Making in Business
SSC 290 Economic Geography
COL 160 Economic Issues and Terrorism
Applied Microeconomics, Time Series Econometrics, and Financial Economics
Fuzzy Set and Qualitative Possibility Decision Theory
Risk and Mitigation, Wind Hazard Economics, and GIS in Evacuation Decision Analysis
Economic Development
- Best Presenter Award, The Global Management & Information Technology Research Conference, New York, May 23 - 26, 2007.
- Outstanding Graduate Part-Time Instructor Award, Texas Tech University, 2000-01.
- Selected among 150 teaching doctoral students throughout Texas Tech University based upon consistently high teaching evaluations and references from the Chair of the Department of Economics and the Dean of Arts and Sciences.
- Faculty Excellence Grant, 2018, $2,000: “Empirical Evidence: Exchange-traded Funds (ETFs) Returns on Emerging Markets after the U.S. Presidential Election”
- Faculty Excellence Grant, 2016, $3,000: “Empirical Evidence: Oil Price Volatility and Exchange-traded Funds (ETFs) in Emerging Markets”
- Faculty Excellence Grant, 2016, $3,000: “Dissertation Proposal Seminar Course”
- Faculty Excellence Grant, 2016, $500: “Assessment Collection Re-Design to Enhance Curricular Measurement and Improvement”
- Faculty Excellence Grant, 2015, $3,000: “Economic Impact of Tourism on Reading, Pennsylvania Through Visitor Profile, Return on Investment, and Conversion Rate”
- Faculty Excellence Grant, 2015, $2,400: “Social Impact Analysis of Maple Grove Raceway”
- Faculty Excellence Grant, 2014, $3,000: “Empirical Evidence: Exchange-traded Funds (ETFs) Returns on Emerging Markets”
- Faculty Excellence Grant, 2014, $1,000: “Modeling Hurricane Evacuation Using Hurricane Sandy as a Case Study”
- Faculty Excellence Grant, 2013, $1,500: “Digital Leadership for Local and Global Resilience During Disasters”
- Faculty Excellence Grant, 2013, $1,000: “Service-Learning for Doctoral Programs in Leadership”
- Faculty Excellence Grant, 2012, $3,000: “The 鶹Ƶ Economic Impact Study”
- Faculty Excellence Grant, 2012, $1,500: “Estimation Window and the Power of Event Study”
- Faculty Excellence Grant, 2012, $1,500: “The Collaboration of Institutional Review Boards and Doctoral Level Programs in Leadership”
- Faculty Excellence Grant, 2011, $2,500: “The Economic Impact of Reading Downtown Streetcar Project”
- Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center Grant, $3,000, 1999-2000, with Jamie Kruse: “Modeling Hurricane Evacuation using Transportation Models and Fuzzy Logic”
“Various Convexities and Some Relevant Properties of Consumer Preference Relations,” coauthored with Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest, Slippery Rock University, Yong Liu, Jiangnan University, Donald Mong, Slippery Rock University, Marta Cardin, Ca’Foscari University of Venice. (Forthcoming/ Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis - Economics Series)
“Spatial Effects of Broadband Infrastructure on China’s Regional Innovation” with Guomin Li, Liang Ding, and Sheng Chen. Pennsylvania Economic Review, Vol. 29, Number 2, Fall 2022.
“Does the Presidential Election Cycle on Markets exist in the 21st Century?” with Liang Ding, Christian Garcia, and Biqing Huang. Pennsylvania Economic Review, Vol. 26, Number 1, Spring 2019.
“Effects of Moderating Factors on Foodservice Employees’ Perception of Emotional Labor and Propensity to Leave the Workplace” with Mark M. Gultek and Ilhan Demirer. Journal of Human Resources Management and Labor Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2, June 2018.
“Volatility of volatility in emerging markets” with Alper Gormus. Journal of Money, Investment, and Banking, Issue 30, pages 68-76, 2015.
“Service-Learning Pedagogy for Business Students: A Pilot Study” with Orhan Kara
and Sean J. Cullen. Proceedings: Pennsylvania Economic Association Conference, 3 pages, Edinboro, Pennsylvania, 2014.
“Estimation Window and the Power of Event Study” with Liang Ding. Pennsylvania Economic Review, Vol. 20, num. 2, Pages 15-28, 2013.
“The Economic Impact of 鶹Ƶ,” with Lisa Cooper, Bari Dzomba, Rachel Gifford, and Joseph Hess. Pennsylvania Economic Review, Vol. 19, num. 2, Pages 45-59, 2012.
“The Economic Impact of 鶹Ƶ,” with Lisa Cooper, Bari Dzomba, Rachel Gifford, and Joseph Hess. Proceedings: Pennsylvania Economic Association Conference, 11 pages, Clarion, PA, 2012.
“Exploring the Effectiveness of a Destination’s Tourism-marketing Expenditures. Conversion Rate and Return on Investment Analysis,” with Mark H. M. Gultek. The Business Review, Vol. 7, Iss.1; p. 176 (5 pages), Cambridge, 2007.
“An Application of Fuzzy Logic to Explain Hurricane Evacuation Behavior.” The Business Review, Vol. 5, Iss. 2; p. 290 (7 pages), Cambridge, 2006.
“A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Explaining U.S. Investment Behavior.” The Journal of American Academy of Business, vol. 10, num. 1, pages 59-64, Cambridge, 2006.
“The Possibilistic-Based Evacuation Decision Model Under Fuzzy Durations,” with Emre Kaymaz. The Business Review, vol. 4, num. 1, pages 191-196, Cambridge, 2005.
“Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Probabilistic or Possibilistic?,” with Emre Kaymaz. The Business Review, vol. 2, num. 1, pages 370-376, Cambridge, 2004.
“A Qualitative Possibility Theory Approach on an Illustrative Example: The Hurricane Evacuation Decision,” with Xiaoning Gilliam and Jamie Kruse, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Lubbock, Texas, 2003.
“An Application of Fuzzy Logic to Explain Hurricane Evacuation Behavior,” with R. P. McComb and J. B. Kruse, Proceedings: Americas Conference on Wind Engineering, 10 pages, Clemson, SC, 2001.
“Nashville Tornado-Economic Damage Estimation Using Tax Assessor and Insurance Data,” with J. B. Kruse and K. Simmons, Wind Engineering into the 21st Century, pages 1431-6, A. Larsen, ed. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam/Brookfield, 1999.
Energy Economics
Economic Analysis and Policy
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology
“Community Indicators Report” with David Myers, the Director of O’Pake Institute for Ethics, Leadership, and Public Service, and Ph.D. students Sean J. Cullen and Tracey L. Brown, and Berks County Community Foundation (BCCF), 2014.
“Socioeconomic Impact and Conditions of the Temple LNG Expansion” with Scott Ballantyne. Prepared for UGI Utilities for submission to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), August 2007.
Contributed to the article Profs: Prices, wages fall, but not ‘across the board’ in Eastern Pennsylvania Business Journal, April 12, 2010, Vol.21 No.15.
Interview to the WFMZ-TV on “Pennsylvania’s Minimum Wage Getting a Boost,” which was aired on July 10, 2006.
Interview to the WFMZ-TV on the impact of Hurricane Katrina, “Economists Say Natural Disasters May Fuel Economy,” which was aired on September 8, 2005.
Session Chair, “Health, Education, and Welfare” at the Pennsylvania Economic Association 36th Annual Conference at Gannon University, June 2-4, 2022, Erie, PA.
Attended the 2020 Pennsylvania Economic Association 35th Annual Virtual Conference at Misericordia University, May 20-21, 2021, Dallas, PA.
“Creating a Safe Environment in Doctoral Research through Ethical Practices,” presented at the International Leadership Association 22nd Annual Global Virtual Conference, Leading at the Edge, November 5-9, 2020.
Invited participant in the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Policy Forum, “The Evolving Credit Economy: Problems and Prospects,” December 6, 2019, Philadelphia, PA.
Session Chair, “Undergraduate Session for International Economics” at the 2019 Pennsylvania Economic Association 34th Annual Conference at Kutztown University, May 30-June 1, 2019, Kutztown, PA.
“Developing the Art of Research in Doctoral Leadership Programs,” co-presented with Peggy Bowen-Hartung and Ph.D. student Julia Dunst at the International Leadership Association’s 20th Annual Global Conference, Authentic Leadership for Progress, Peace & Prosperity, 24-27 October 2018, West Palm Beach, Florida.
Session organizer for “Triad of Stakeholders, Servant Leadership, and Symphony for Generating an Authentic Sustainable Organization” at the International Leadership Association’s 20th annual global conference, Authentic Leadership for Progress, Peace & Prosperity, 24-27 October 2018, West Palm Beach, Florida.
“Seven Conceptual Models for Understanding the Nature and Purpose of Social Justice,” co-presented at the 1st Annual Pennsylvania Leadership Studies Conference with faculty members Kevin Godfrey, Corey Harris, Victoria Williams, Scott Davidson, and Ph.D. students Julia Dunst, Shaji Silva, and Vance Cooper, April 7, 2018, Dixon University Center, Harrisburg, PA.
Session Chair, Pennsylvania Economic Association 33rd Annual Conference at Penn State, Altoona University on May 31-June 2, 2018, Altoona, Pennsylvania.
Invited participant in the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Policy Forum, “People, Place, Prosperity: Revitalizing Our Cities,” December 1, 2017, Philadelphia, PA.
“Volatility of Volatility in Emerging Markets,” presented at the Beifang University of Nationalities (recently changed its name to North Minzu University), May 2017, Yinchuan, China.
“The Time Value of Money,” presented at the Beifang University of Nationalities (recently changed its name to North Minzu University), May 2017, Yinchuan, China.
“Developing Global Leaders: A Content Analysis of Program Outcomes for Doctoral Leadership Studies,” co-presented at the International Leadership Association’s 18th Annual Global Conference, “The Dynamics of Inclusive Leadership,” November 2-5, 2016, Atlanta, Georgia.
“Trade Flows in Developing Countries and Exchange Rate Volatility,” co-presented at the Pennsylvania Economic Association 31st Annual Conference at Slippery Rock University, June 2-4, 2016, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania.
Session Chair, Pennsylvania Economic Association 31st Annual Conference at Slippery Rock University, June 2-4, 2016, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania.
“A Community Engagement Model for Thoughtful Leadership Education,” co-presented at the International Leadership Association’s 17th Annual Global Conference, “Leading Across Borders and Generations,” October 14-17, 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
“Community Residents’ Psychological Benefits from Hosting Drag Racing Events: The Initial Stage of Scale Development,” co-presented at the Pennsylvania Economic Association Conference at Penn State University at Berks, May 28-30, 2015, Reading, PA.
“Economy’s Impact on Your Business – Where Does Your Business “Grow” From Here?,” presented at the 5th Annual Seminar Series by Herbein + Company, Inc., February 26, 2015, Reading, PA.
“How we are different as a result of doctoral education,” co-presented to the President’s Advisory Council (PAC), April 24, 2015, 鶹Ƶ, Reading, PA.
“Who Community Leaders Admire (And Why It Matters),” co-presented at the International Leadership Association’s 16th annual global conference, “Conscious Leading for Global Change: Emergence of our Collective Realities,” October 30– November 2, 2014, San Diego, California.
“The New Trolley Dilemma: Can Creating a Light Rail Pave the Way for Sustainable Economic Development of Small Cities in Pennsylvania?,” co-presented at the Pennsylvania Economic Association Conference at Edinboro University, May 29-31, 2014, Edinboro, PA.
“Service-Learning Pedagogy for Business Students: A Pilot Study,” co-presented at the Pennsylvania Economic Association Conference at Edinboro University, May 29-31, 2014, Edinboro, PA.
Attended “Reinventing Older Communities: Bridging Growth & Opportunity” conference which was sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, May 12-14, 2014, Philadelphia, PA.
“Best Practices for Emergency Preparedness in Higher Education: A Pilot Study,” co-presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, February 2014, Philadelphia, PA.
Invited participant in the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Policy Forum, “The History of Central Banking in the United States,” December 6, 2013, Philadelphia, PA.
“Service Learning for Doctoral Programs in Leadership,” co-presented at International Leadership Association’s 15th Annual Global Conference, October 30-November 2, 2013, Montréal, Canada.
“Digital Leadership for Local Resilience During Disasters,” co-presented at International Leadership Association’s 15th Annual Global Conference, October 30-November 2, 2013, Montréal, Canada.
Discussant, Economics of Education and International Economics sessions at the Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference at the University of Scranton, May 30-June 1, 2013, Scranton, PA.
“Institutional Review Boards in Doctoral Level Programs with a Focus on Leadership Programs,” co-presented at International Leadership Association’s 14th Annual Global Conference, October 24-27, 2012, Denver, CO.
“Estimation Window and the Power of Event Study,” co-presented at the Academy of Business Research Conference, September 2012, Atlantic City, NJ.
“The Economic Impact of 鶹Ƶ,” presented at the Pennsylvania Economics Association annual conference at Clarion University, May 31-June 2, 2012, Clarion, PA.
“Estimation Window and the Power of Event Study,” co-presented at the Pennsylvania Economics Association annual conference at Clarion University, May 31-June 2, 2012, Clarion, PA.
Invited participant in the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Policy Forum, “Budgets on the Brink Perspectives on Debt and Monetary Policy,” December 2, 2011, Philadelphia, PA.
“The Economic Impact of the Reading Downtown Streetcar Project,” co-presented at the Pennsylvania Economic Association 26th Annual Conference at Dickinson College, June 2-4, 2011, Carlisle, PA.
Attended the 12th Annual International Leadership Association (ILA) Global Conference, October 27-30, 2010, Boston, MA.
Attended Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference at Grove City College, June 3-5, 2010, Grove City, PA.
Invited participant in the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Policy Forum, “Policy Lessons from the Economic and Financial Crisis,” December 4, 2009, Philadelphia, PA.
Attended Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference at West Chester University, June 4-6, 2009, West Chester, PA.
Session Chair and Discussant, Topics in Business Economics, Eastern Economic Association Annual Conference 2009, February 2009, New York, NY.
“Turkey: Where Europe Meets Asia” co-presented in a three-week course for 鶹Ƶ Seniors College, Spring 2008.
Invited participant in the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Policy Forum, “Innovation and Regulation in Financial Markets,” November 30, 2007, Philadelphia, PA.
“Exploring the Effectiveness of a Destination’s Tourism-marketing Expenditures. Conversion Rate and Return on Investment Analysis,” presented at The Global Management & Information Technology Research Conference, May 2007, New York, NY.
Session Chair, The Global Management & Information Technology Research Conference, May 2007, New York, NY.
Session Chair and Discussant, Fuzzy Information: Applications and Analyses, Eastern Economic Association Annual Conference 2007, February 25, 2007, New York, NY.
“Hurricane Evacuation Decision Making Under Uncertainty,” presented at Eastern Economic Association Annual Conference 2007, February 23, 2007, New York, NY.
Invited participant in the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Policy Forum, “Economic Growth and Development: Perspectives for Policy makers,” December 2006, Philadelphia, PA.
Invited participant in the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Policy Forum, “Fiscal Imbalance: Problems, Solutions, and Implications,” December, 2005, Philadelphia, PA.
“The Possibilistic-Based Evacuation Decision Model Under Fuzzy Durations,” presented at The Global Business and Economics Research Conference, August 10-13, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
Session Chair, The Global Business and Economics Research Conference, August 10-13, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
Facilitator, Piece & Justice Conference, Alvernia College, April 2005, Reading, PA.
Invited participant in the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Policy Forum, “Challenges and Opportunities in the Global Economy: Perspectives on Outsourcing, Exchange Rates, and Free Trade,” December 2004, Philadelphia, PA.
Interview to the Reading Eagle newspaper on the impact of Hurricane Ivan on the economy entitled “Hurricane may help economy” that was printed on September 17, 2004.
“Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Probabilistic or Possibilistic?” Presented at The Global Business and Economics Research Conference, August 2004, Istanbul, Turkey.
Session Chair, The Global Business and Economics Research Conference, August 2004, Istanbul, Turkey.
Invited Participant in the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Spring Seminar, “The Roaring Nineties,” May 2004, Philadelphia, PA.
“Misguided Cures for Corporate Scandals,” presented at Alvernia College, April 2003, Reading, PA (invited).
“Modeling Hurricane Evacuation Using Transportation Models, Fuzzy Set and Possibility Theory.” Presented at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, February 2003, Terre Haute, Indiana (invited).
Invited contributor, Addison-Wesley Principles of Economics Summit, 2003.
“An Application of Fuzzy Logic to Explain Hurricane Evacuation Behavior,” presented at Americas Conference on Wind Engineering, June 2001, Clemson, SC.
“A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Explaining U.S. Investment Behavior,” presented at 36th Annual Meeting of Missouri Valley Economic Association, February 2001, St. Louis, MO.
“Assessing the Value of Shelters in an Evacuation Transportation Model,” presented at the Southern Economic Association meeting, November 2000, Washington, DC.
Chair, Department of Business, 鶹Ƶ (July 2022 - Present)
Coordinator, Adult Education for the Department of Business, 鶹Ƶ
(July 2022 - Present)
Chair, Department of Leadership Studies, 鶹Ƶ (October 2019 – July 2022)
Director, Ph.D. Program in Leadership, 鶹Ƶ (Fall 2010 – July 2022)
Director, M.A. in Leadership (MAL) Program, 鶹Ƶ (October 2019 – July 2022)
Associate Director, O’Pake Institute for Ethics, Leadership, and Public Service (Fall 2013 – October 2019)
Immediate Past President, Pennsylvania Economic Association (PEA) (June 2021 – June 2022)
President, Pennsylvania Economic Association (PEA) (June 2019 - 2021)
President-Designate, Pennsylvania Economic Association (PEA) (June 2018 - June 2019)
Vice President, Program, Pennsylvania Economic Association (PEA) (June 2017 - June 2018)
Vice President, Publicity, Pennsylvania Economic Association (PEA) (June 2016 - June 2017)
Visiting Scholar, the Beifang University of Nationalities (recently changed its name to North Minzu University) in Yinchuan, China (Summer 2017)
Adjunct Professor, West Chester University, PA (Spring 2016-Summer 2017)
Associate Professor of Finance and International Business & Tenure, Alvernia University (Fall 2007-Present)
Coordinator, MBA Program, 鶹Ƶ (Spring 2008 - Summer 2010)
Assistant Professor of Finance and International Business, Alvernia College
(Spring 2005-Fall 2007)
Assistant Professor of Economics, Alvernia College (Fall 2003 - Spring 2005)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University (Fall 2001 - Fall 2003)
Graduate Instructor, Texas Tech University (Summer 1998 - Fall 2001)
Research Assistant, Wind Science and Engineering Research Center, Texas Tech University (Spring 1999 - Fall 2001)
Graduate Assistant, Department of Economics and Geography, Texas Tech University
(Fall 1997 - Fall 1998)
The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)
International Leadership Association (ILA)
American Economic Association (AEA)
Southern Economic Association (SEA)
Eastern Economic Association (EEA)
Pennsylvania Economic Association (PEA)