Choosing a college or university is a big decision. Whether you have been admitted or are still considering your college choices, we know that you and those helping you through the process may have many questions. That is okay. We are here to help and want to provide every option available to help you understand the Alvernia Advantage. Click on the dropdowns below to explore the most common questions in that topic area and use the request form to let us know what you’d like to talk about and who you’d like to hear from. We can’t wait to connect you with the services, staff and people that make Alvernia so special!

Feel free to browse below and complete the form or send an email directly to our College Concierges at

College Search Process and Finding Your Fit

I am undecided, who can I speak to someone about my options?

Can I speak to a current student in my major?

I’ve been admitted and want to connect with my future classmates. Who can I talk to about summer orientation?

I’d like to know more about the diversity initiatives on campus and connect with someone from a diverse background. Can you connect me with a student, faculty, or staff member of color?

How can I schedule a campus visit?

Financing Your Education

The FAFSA is confusing. Who can help me and my family complete the FAFSA application?

Financing my education is important to me and my family but the process seems daunting. Who can I schedule a one-on-one meeting with to understand this process?

I just received my financial aid award. Who can I speak with about this to better understand the award?

Application and Admission

Can you help me complete my application?

How can I obtain my high school transcript?

What are my next steps to enroll?

Academic Excellence

Can I speak to a faculty member within my major?

Is it possible to Double Major?

What are Alvernia's most popular majors?

Can I talk to someone about the Honors Program?

What academic support services are available to help me adapt to college?

Do I have to declare a major right away?

What does a typical first-semester schedule look like?

Living on Campus and Commuter Resources

I am interested in living on campus and the options that are available. Who can I speak to about that?

What is Reading like? Who can I talk to about what there is do around Reading and Berks County?

I’m hungry. What kind of meal plan options does Alvernia offer?

I’m eager to move to campus but I’m unsure of the move-in process and what to bring. Who can I talk to about that?

I plan on commuting. Where can I hang out between classes?

Campus Life and Student Activities

I’ll need a job in school. Who can I talk to about working on campus?

I’d like to know what there is to do outside of the classroom and weekend activities. Who can I talk to about that?

I’ll need to do something in my spare time and want to get involved. Who can I talk to about student clubs and organizations?

Experiential Learning

I’d like to travel while in college so Study Abroad opportunities are important to me. I’d like to speak to someone about travel experiences

I’m very dedicated to serving my community. Who can I talk to about the nationally-recognized community service program at Alvernia?

What type of internships are available to me?



I may have interest in playing a sport in college. Who can I talk to about that?

Can you help me connect with a specific coach?

I’m not interested in playing one of Alvernia’s DIII sports but still want to have fun playing the sports I love. Who can I talk to about what intramural sports are available to students on campus?

I have officially committed as an Alvernia Golden Wolves student-athlete (YAY). Who can I talk to about my next steps?

Can someone connect me to athletic training staff to talk about my sport and services available to me as a student-athlete?

I want to continue my athletic development. Can you connect me to the strength and conditioning coach?

Support, Health and Safety

I have a learning accommodation. Can I speak to someone about my needs?

I have a health issue. Can I speak to the health center staff?

Help Me Connect

