Bachelor of Social Work


The faculty of the College of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences seeks to form students who are conscious citizens committed to engaging with and caring for our diverse communities, joyfully draw connections between learning and practice, and immerse themselves in the transformative act of learning and creating knowledge across disciplines.


CHESS envisions a future in which students and faculty join to celebrate scholarship and creativity. We aspire for students to see our College as a destination for curiosity, passion, transformative learning, and a generative space in which they can practice applying skills and concepts learned in the classroom. We envision CHESS as a place where we embody the characteristics of the game of chess: strategic thinking, play, flexibility, foresight, and perseverance.


CHESS values the following:

  • Collegial, interdisciplinary collaboration and learning
  • Humility, imagination, experimentation, and self-reflection
  • Engagement with and appreciation for ambiguity, nuance, and re/formation of thought
  • Service, compassion, inclusion, accessibility, diversity, and equity
  • Solidarity, empathy, social justice, and standing with those who need us
In This Section

College of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences